Strong Legal Help For All Your Family Law Needs

Round Rock Attorneys Modifying Divorce Decrees

If you already have an existing order, whether it be a divorce decree, a final order in a Suit Affecting the Parent-Child Relationship (“SAPCR”), or a custody, visitation, or child support order rendered through the Office of the Attorney General legal process, Izzo & Associates, PLLC in Round Rock, can help you to modify these orders.

We know the challenges of these situations, whether you are trying to change a divorce agreement or keep someone from changing it. We take the time to learn about our clients’ needs before developing a personalized representation plan to guide them through their legal needs.

When A Divorce Modification May Be Necessary

Modifying a prior order may be necessary to increase or lower child support. In addition, other interested parties, which can include grandparents and sometimes aunts and uncles or other individuals, are able, in certain circumstances, to file a suit for modification to protect children or help another family member out. It is also possible for additional litigants to join a suit, such as when grandparents want to aid their adult son or daughter. Be aware, however, that once one party opens the door to a modification of a prior order, the opposing side can file their pleadings requesting relief. By filing a modification action, a party is basically admitting that substantial changes of circumstances have occurred, justifying a modification suit.

How We Help Families In Round Rock, Texas

We have tried cases and interacted with Title IV-D courts and county and district courts in more than a dozen different counties within Texas for decades. We are well versed in this area, having successfully handled hundreds of modifications for our clients. The key for our family law attorneys is to consult with new clients as to the specific facts of their cases.

It is very important that each new client has manageable expectations regarding what can and cannot potentially be accomplished in court. We always give our clients our fair estimate of success ahead of time as to each of their issues. We know that different or changing case facts can affect each case uniquely.

Enforcing Decrees In Texas

All our clients have the right, and some would say the duty is to see that Texas court orders are upheld. If you are currently impacted adversely by a previous court order, give us a call for a free assessment of your chances and the potential costs involved in trying to set things straight through an enforcement action. We are always disturbed and saddened when someone calls and explains what is happening to them or their children at the hands of a past opponent who refuses to follow court orders.

These difficulties can include a party not paying child support, a party denying the other visitation with the children, and a party failing to provide insurance coverage as ordered. Interestingly, our attorneys also often hear about promises concerning property decisions being ignored or avoided also. Many helpless new clients tell us how they have had themselves taken advantage of by a former spouse who has failed to reimburse them for their portion of a home sale or who will not follow through with transferring a phone or goods that were divided by the court.

Protect Your Needs With Our Experience

If you are ready to meet with a team of divorce modification lawyers you can depend on to look after your best interests when modifying or defending a divorce agreement, contact our Round Rock office today. Call us at 512-982-1161 or email us here to schedule your initial consultation today.